

Batch VIII coming soon!

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Included: Front & Rear brake, Bleeding syringes, oil, spare seals, TX10 wrench, bleed puck, brake pads (2 pair of White Magic)

Not included: Brake rotors, caliper bolts, SRAM Matchmaker Interface

Shop brake accessoires to ugprade your Trinity setup.

Please note that there is a limit of 2 brake sets per order as we want to keep the distribution fair & even regarding the high demand.

  • Highly evolved disc brake system
  • 4 piston caliper with huge mass
  • Radial piston brake lever with low mass
  • Made out of 7075 aircraft aluminium
  • “Painless Technology” with painless bleed, piston and fitting system


Dear customer: We know that we cannot fulfill the demand for the brakes atm. Every batch some mails reaches us, where customer tell us how frustrated they are and we should please think about making more brakes or think about how to handle the way of sales.

There are also always some requests “do you maybe have a brake for me?”. Or “I tried it 3 times now, I think it is fair that you now sell a brake to me out of the normal order process”.

All answers for this questions are, unfortunately, no. To be fair to all other potential customers, we cannot sell brakes out of our current sales-process.

It also has a good reason, why we only sell brakes in this 50 pcs batches. So, yes we can imagine, that you think there are better ways (=suits better for you), but there are reasons for it. If you are interested in why we handle it like that, please send us an email, and we will explain. But please hold on telling us how frustrated you are and that you will never buy anything from us again. Thank you 🙂

If you know yourself, and it could be likely that you are getting frustrated if you don’t get one, please hold back with an order now. We are working on producing more brakes, and hopefully in 1-2 years the demand fits better to our supply, then it will be possible to buy brakes normally. And THEN we its the right time for you to get a brake 🙂
